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Janet L. Lazo-Davis

Dan T. Davis


Second Star Creations

Infertility’s Anguish

Everyone Else Is Pregnant, Why Not Us?

Exploring the Emotions of Infertility

by Jan & Dan Davis


Here are some stand-alone examples of the text pieces contained in Infertility's Anguish. Please do not copy or distribute these items.

There are 25 topics in the book. Within each topic, there are two sections that illustrate the issues associated with that topic. We keep the pieces short, so that they can be read quickly in today's environment of "sound bites. A consistent format is followed for the two sections within each topic:


We begin with a conversational discussion of the topic. We have tried to keep to the spirit of the word "conversation", as opposed to the more clinical "chapter".

What People Say

Going Up… to Hope


We continue with an anecdote. These stories represent the thoughts, feelings, experiences and hopes of the couples we have interviewed.

Rude Awakenings

Velveteen Realities


We also include a few tributes, such as this poem to/from our children: From Our Children, Who Have Gone Before Us…

Infertility’s Anguish was written over a ten-year period and is an amalgamation of interviews with infertile couples, discussions over Compuserve and the Internet, experiences during RESOLVE meetings, and life in general.. The book contains hope, fear, anticipation, grief, loss, coping mechanisms, and yes, even laughter. We strongly believe that it will benefit many; it is written so that it can help beyond the infertility arena, although of course infertile couples and those wishing to understand infertility issues are the main targets.

Have we piqued your interest? We’d love to get a copy into your hands and hope it will be of value.

Updated: October 24, 2003